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The Fairy Tale of Misfits Final Curtain

Strange is sometimes merely a matter of perspective.
The Fairy Tale of Misfits
The Fairy Tale of Misfits
Photography, Mads LaBotte

With the doors sadly closing on March 1st families and friends rushed in to watch these spectacular performers perform, what may be some of their last performances. 

The Drama Club was directed by Mrs.Wilson and Mrs.Pullum.The club had been practicing since January with practices being every day after school. This would show how determined the club is to create such a magnificent play. This was an incredible play to watch, it shows how each performer puts so much effort and love into their roles.

Tears were shed between cast members and even family members. This year will be a very memorable one. Seniors have been a part of these plays for almost 4 years. These cast members would build a connection with each other which makes the departure even more emotional.

Senior Jaci Bethel stated about this being her last play for high school“ It’s bittersweet to say goodbye to the people I have done plays with for 4 years” She then said that It is now time to say goodbye.

The bookkeeper’s assistant( Allie Hancock) tells the story of the Bookkeeper. (Photography, Mads LaBotte)

This year had the biggest cast consisting of  31 members. The drama club had a lot of members who did not want to perform but do work from behind the scenes, The Tech crew has done so much for the play. Stage Manager B Boyd said about the week “ I felt very stressed throughout tech week” also stating that they are extremely emotional with this being their last show.  Shop class and Art have been working together for the past couple of weeks to create amazing backdrops and props. Without these very talented students, the play would not have been as glamorous as it was.

Each play seems to be outdone every year by its amazing cast. Their talents are truly extraordinary. Everyone worked extremely hard to produce an amazing play to be performed for family, friends, and even classmates. Many people are excited to see the teamwork used throughout the play next year!

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