On Saturday, Jan. 12, Ella Holthaus (12) placed first in her senior flag solo routine in the Nashville Competition at Nashville High School. This first-place finish gave her a bid to the IHSA State competition.
Ella has been a member of the flag team for only one year following trying out at the end of her junior year. “I’ve always thought flag was so cool to watch, and have wanted to do it since I was a freshman. I was too nervous to join every other year so I knew this was my last chance to join. I didn’t want to have any big regrets leaving high school, so I went for it,” she explained.

Ella’s making state in only her first year shows her ability to accomplish anything with hard work. But even when being extremely prepared, everyone has nerves. “I was in front of my team and family, I wanted to do good and not disappoint them,” Holthaus shared. After qualifying for state, the nerves took over again and Ella explained, “There are a lot of other people there. I just hope I can add more difficulty to my solo, make it clean, and perform it to the best of my ability.”
However, Ella’s victory was hard-fought for. But, no one can ever fight by themselves. She explains, “A lot, starting this summer I didn’t even think I would do a solo. But with the help of my coach and the support from my team, I have done so. I’m glad I did because, without their support, I don’t know if I would have made it.”
Even with the nerves that come with most types of performances, Ella shares how much she enjoys and loves the sport, working hard at it, “For myself, to prove I could do it even though it looked hard.”
Ella will be competing in the state competition on Feb. 14–16.