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Crafting Your Future

Herrin High School’s Art Electives
An art student works on their piece in Mrs. Bleyer's Crafts class.
An art student works on their piece in Mrs. Bleyer’s Crafts class.
Photography, B Boyd

If any students are interested in selecting an arts elective but don’t know where to look, look no further than here! The art department takes over a huge population of Herrin High School Students. From Arts 1 through IV and ceramics, students are offered a variety of classes to join and express themselves. 

Mrs. Bleyer is the Arts 1, III, IV, and Crafts teacher here at HHS. She has been teaching here since 2015. Art I starts with learning the basic color wheel and shape, and after being taught how to use these skills with different media in Art II, Art III is taught with more “hands-on” crafts, allowing them to focus on their developing artistic voice. Art IV is a more self-guided class, where students are given time and materials to create their pieces and express themselves through their art. Coming up in the 2024-2025 school year, ceramics will be a new course offered to students to learn how to use clay throughout the year.

Mr. Moore teaches Art II at HHS. He’s been teaching at school for about 26 years. He has a very experienced art background and wants to share his experience with as many students as possible, staying at HHS for the first two class periods and then transferring over to the elementary school to teach younger students. Mr. Moore is a great teacher who believes in pushing students to their limits but not so much that they “push on the brakes.”

Overall, picking an art class as your elective would be a great and mind-opening experience for anyone who may have even had a slight interest in the arts. 

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