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Dribbling for a Cause: Pink Out Edition

“Although the world is full of suffering, it is full also overcoming of it.” -Helen Keller
The cheerleaders raise their pom poms high to show the Breast cancer ribbon.
The cheerleaders raise their pom poms high to show the Breast cancer ribbon.
Photography, Aubrey Rash

This year, Herrin High School hosted its 13th annual Pink Out event. The pink-out events first started when Emily Lind, a junior in high school, had lost her mother, a 4th-grade teacher at the elementary school, due to breast cancer. Emily Lind was a student government member and used her place in the school environment to bring awareness and support to people and families suffering from cancer. 


The dance team performs with their pictures commemorating their loved ones who are fighting or have fought cancer. (Photography, Cooper Christ)

Ms. Bonefield, the student government sponsor, has been hosting this event since the 2016-2017 school year. Mr. Pappenfuss joined her in 2018. With their effort, hundreds of students group to raise enough money for The American Cancer Society. This year, they expected to make about $6,000. Throughout the 12 years of this fundraiser, they have made nearly $57,000.


The Pink Out Change drive hosted by Ms. Bonifield had students compete on who would raise the most money for a pizza party in advisory. Students raced to find change for a chance for a pizza party during their advisory. Student Government members helped out with this fundraiser during freshman/Sophomore lunch and Junior/Senior lunch. The basketball game was on January 26th, and The Herrin Tigers would win the game.

The brave community members stand during the rose walk to get honored for their strength. (Photography, Madisyn Ahne)

Along with the money fundraiser, there was a rose walk to recognize the people who have overcome cancer, being walked with family members/students. One of these people included our very own principal Jeff Johnson.


Herrin High also had a pep rally before students left the school to bring awareness to what the school was doing to support people and family members suffering from cancer. At the basketball game that same night during halftime the dance team would perform a dance holding pictures of their loved ones who were affected by cancer.

The Student Government worked hard to make sure everything was perfect! Pink Out even had some help from art student B Boyd (12), who painted the paper banner for the basketball players to run through, which shows just how common it is for Herrin High students can come together to make things happen. Pink Out was a huge success this year with countless students and teachers working extremely hard to make this event happen successfully and as smoothly as possible. 


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