The Herrin High School Wrestling team has been practicing for a couple of weeks now, with their most recent meet against Centralia on November, 25th. Herrin lost both of the matches but with losses will come triumphant victories. They are working as a team and continue to make everyone proud. The proud coaches are Lewis and Drake. A fun fact is that Drake used to wrestle for Lewis, this just shows how wrestling can connect people.
The team’s seniors, Blue Bishop and Aaron Hughey-Ragsdale, are both great role models for these underclassmen.
Aaron stated that because this is his senior year he wants this to be his best year. Aaron started wrestling back in 4th grade compared to then he has gotten stronger. Aaron stated that his coaches push him to be the best version of himself.
This is Blue’s 9th year wrestling and he thinks this year will be a good season and the team will be on top. Blue even went as far as to go to state and achieved 4th place last year which is extremely impressive and a huge accomplishment. When asked who helped you the most he said his Dad.

Some of the students don’t just look up to the seniors. Chandler Russell(9) said that he looks up to Logan Dirden
(11) and said “he teaches me things” also stating “Logan is who got me into wrestling.” This just shows how this team inspires and supports each other through it all.