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Fall Favs: The Dos and Don’ts of Skincare

Don’t fall out of your skincare routine.
Mdas LaBotte (12) takes care of her skin with her cleanser of choice.
Mdas LaBotte (12) takes care of her skin with her cleanser of choice.
Photography, Mads LaBotte

With beauty-based content becoming more and more popular on TikTok and Instagram, a new surge of skincare influencers has taken over. Because of this, skincare is now more known and common throughout many households.


Keeping a daily skincare routine helps to clean and keep out dirt, sebum, and dead skin cells from clogging the pores and causing acne as a result. Ms. Goetting mentioned how she started her skin care routine as a preventative measure for “loss of collagen” and loves how it has changed her skin for the better. 


With influencers advertising new products and methods daily, it is important for teenagers to start with the basics: face wash, moisturizer, and SPF. 


Face washes are not created equal; a face wash should be curated to the specific needs of the individual. If someone has oily skin, they need a face wash that has less oil than someone with dry skin. 


The skin type also determines how much a teenager should wash their face each day. While someone with oily skin might want to wash their face multiple times a day, this can lead to an increase in oil production and continue a destructive skin cycle. 


For oily skin, a cleanser with salicylic acid will help break down the excess sebum and oil; people with dry skin might want to use a face wash with hyaluronic acid which moisturizes the face and prevents cracking. 


Another important step is a moisturizer; it hydrates the face and locks in moisture, so the skin is not affected by outside irritants. Like a facial cleanser, a moisturizer must also fit someone’s specific skin type. If he were ever to be stuck on a deserted island, Cooper Christ (10)  insisted that he would bring face wash and moisturizer in order to “keep his skin looking good.”


Niacinamide is found in moisturizers and is good for those with oily skin; it helps to absorb oil at the surface of the skin and tighten the pores. Glycerin is a good ingredient in moisturizers for dry skin, since it pulls moisture from the skin as well as the atmosphere. 


One of the final essentials for a skincare routine is SPF, or sunscreen. Even when the weather is getting colder and darker, sunscreen is still essential for protecting the skin against UV Rays. Ashlyn Sims (12) stresses the importance of “wearing sunscreen everyday, even when it is dark outside” in order to prevent future wrinkles or skin damage. 


For oily skin, a combination of moisturizer and sunscreen is great, but mostly organic sunscreens work best in order to absorb the rays. A chemical sunscreen is recommended for people with dry skin, because it will seep into the skin and prevent dryness. 


Keeping all of this in mind, it is important to find the best routine for you. Meredith Rusell (11) always says to “buy mini versions of the products before you commit to a full size. There is no reason to waste all that money just for your skin to break out”. 


Whatever your routine is, it is important to have these basics and to customize it to the individual’s experience and skin type. At the end of the day, your skin’s health contributes to not only your face but your entire body; it is important to include these steps within your daily routine to accentuate your face and features.

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