On 26 and 27 Feb. 2025, the Herrin High School Drama Club performed their spring play once again. This year, their choice was a bit of a different type of show. In the past, the show has been comedic and fun, but this year the play was serious and morose. The show was “The Outsiders,” based on the novel by S. E. Hinton and adapted to the stage by Christopher Sergel. The novel and the play follow Ponyboy Curtis and his life-changing experience as a greaser mixed up in gang violence and class conflict. It is a true story of heroism, loyalty, and identity.

The show’s directors were Tammy Pullum and Jamie Wilson, both HHS English teachers and best friends. According to Ms. Wilson, the directors chose this show because “a variety of students in drama club came to us saying that they wanted to try something different.” They’ve put on 21 shows together and this year, they wanted to see how far this experience could lead them. Ms. Pullum said: “We not only wanted to challenge ourselves as directors but challenge our students.” The stars of the show were Sulivan Pullum (9), Sarah Johnson (11), and many more. The whole cast and crew list can be seen to the right.
Rehearsals began in early January and were forced to be online due to the ice storms, but the cast persevered. The cast rehearsed relentlessly three times a week until late February when show week finally began. Co-lead Sarah Johnson said, “It felt rather awkward at first, but as time went on we started to feel more comfortable…started to feel more like we cared about each other…and we used that energy on stage.” As rehearsals began, so too did the building of the set. Set designer and stage manager Maddie Ahne (12) worked with the directors and woodshop teacher Mr. Jordan to design and begin building the set. “It was very involved, definitely a challenge for all of us but it turned out great,” said Ahne. Once the set was built, the painting began and all around the school the show was shaping up.

As show week approached, the real task began. The set was nearing completion; the cast was putting together their costumes; and all involved were preparing for a week of hard work. “It was a lot of work, but when it comes together it’s great,” said Nolan Hagler (12), who played the role of Dallas Winston.
At first, it was rough and slow going. But after the first day of painting the set and getting used to the Herrin Civic Center, where the show was performed both nights, everything began to come together perfectly. “Everyone was in costume and it just clicked,” said Hagler. Nerves were high as opening night quickly approached. But the first showing turned out to be a smash hit. The cast’s practice finally came together into a cohesive show: tears were shed and heartstrings were pulled as the curtains closed on the first night.
The following day, the cast and crew went to the civic center at 8 a.m. sharp to get ready for their matinee performance for a select group of students from Herrin Junior High School and Our Lady of Mount Carmel. Lightning struck once again with an awe-inspiring show. The rest of the day was spent preparing for that night’s show, the last show of the week.

Everyone returned at 5:30 p.m. and a frenzy of hair, makeup, and mic checks began. The most packed show yet was set to start at 7 p.m. Excitement was in the air with a twinge of bittersweetness. All of their efforts came down to this. The curtain opened to the iconic scene of Ponyboy writing his school essay and the show had begun.
It went perfectly and ended with a bang. The seniors this year gave a small speech through tears and gave their directors some gifts to thank them for all their hard work throughout their years in the Herrin High School Drama Club. This year, the club lost ten seniors in total. Each of them has a different experience in theater, some with only a year, some having performed for years. All of them were an “emotional wreck” as senior member of four years Ian Hahn puts it. The only thing left was to strike the set and go home — this time, for the last time. The star of the show, Sully Pullum, was quoted: as saying, “I was sad when it was over but there’s always next year.”
Now, the remaining freshman through junior drama club members wait with bated breath to see what next year’s show might be. Sarah said: “I look forward to the friendships, both new and old. The connections to the people in the show every year is what makes the shows most enjoyable.” According to director Ms. Pullum, the upcoming years’ shows will be her and Ms. Wilson’s “swan song.”