Role Reversals… in Athletics!
HOSA hosts PowderPuff and Boy’s Volleyball to raise money
Photography, Mrs. Goetting
Sophomore PowderPuff girls take on their first practice with Brocton Graul, Collin Coriasco, and Ricky Branch as team coaches.
September 28, 2017
It’s that time of year again! The Powder Puff football games are approaching quickly! Powder Puff games give all girls a chance to play football. Freshmen, sophomore, junior, and senior girls will compete against each other in a friendly game of flag football. Proceeds will go to help the HOSA club sponsor a health fair. The coordinator for the event is Shelly Moake. Each grade is sponsored by a teacher from the high school: Freshmen, Mrs. Mohr; Sophomore, Mrs. Goetting; Junior, Mrs. Smith; Senior, … A few Tiger football players will assist in coaching each team. The practices leading up to Sunday’s big event have been interesting.
Participants consist of any girl who could attend mandatory practices and were in good standing with the school were welcome to sign up. Because of past PowderPuff games, some coaches asked their players to abstain from playing due to the injuries that have incurred. This has caused quite a downfall in number for this annual event, but has not stopped the hype from stirring noise of the competition in the hallways.
This year’s Powder Puff game will be held on October 1, 2017 at 1:00 pm on the Tiger football field. Tickets are only one dollar for those planning to attend.
In addition to this, there is also exciting news for the boys! Boy’s volleyball will be held following the Powder Puff games on Sunday. All boys were encouraged to sign up for the volleyball games. At 4:00 pm on October 1st, the first ever boy’s volleyball game will be held in Gym A.
The concession stand will be open for both events. Event coordinator Shelly Moake tell us, “I’m just excited to see the girls and boys get together and have some friendly competition.”
However, the real question that everyone is curious about is… who will step in the role of the reigning champions from the class of 2017?