The infamous killer, Jigsaw, reemerges in the latest addition to the popular horror movie franchise, Saw. The new movie is titled Saw X and was released to movie theaters across the country on September 29th. This is the tenth film in the franchise, and it has gotten good reviews since its release. With an 85% percent on Rotten Tomatoes and a 4.5 audience score, this movie is looking to be a success for the franchise.
Of course, this movie is a must-see for any horror movie fans out there who are looking for a new movie to watch. Nolan Hagler (11) stated, “Of course, I am absolutely going, 110 percent.” That being said, this movie is not for the faint of heart. The Saw movies are known for being extremely graphic and brutal, even too much for some people, and this movie is no exception to that standard. If you are someone like Adam King (11), who says “I have never seen one because the trailers scare me,” then this movie may not be for you.
Some reviews even state that this movie may be one of the most brutal of the franchise, which is not an easy thing to achieve against its competitors. That being said, if that’s your thing, you should make sure to go watch this movie at a movie theatre near you before it leaves. If you do decide to go watch the movie, be sure to bring along some friends to make the experience that much more memorable.