Here’s to Wishing a Pleasant Retirement
Mrs. Constable is hanging up her lanyard after 21 years.
Whether it’s calling in a mental health day, or bringing in a doctor’s note for absences, everyone at Herrin High School is familiar with our attendance secretary–Mrs. Constable. As of January 3rd she has officially retired from HHS.
As she looked back to the beginning of her career, Mrs. Constable said that the first 5 years of working at Herrin High School were the best. “I was young and I love the school setting,” she said. Mrs. Constable had many new experiences as a secretary, and she was eager to be involved in the “excitement that was in the air over the new building that was being built.” She stated that it “was so cool to move into the brand new building a few months later.”
After working at the High School for 21 years, Mrs. Constable said that one of her favorite parts of working here was the people. She explained that there were many moments in the office where they even laughed until they cried. While there were many great moments of working at HHS, there were also bad moments, but she is grateful that she had such a friendly and helpful staff that kept her going along the way.
If Mrs. Constable was to leave behind any advice, she said it would be this: “Try to be a peacemaker. Don’t add to chaos and don’t be a litterbug! If you recycle just one thing, make it aluminum. If you can do one nice thing a day for someone, do it! YOU and the world will be better for it.”
We thank you for all of your hard work and support during your time here, Mrs. Constable. Everyone at HHS is wishing you a happy and relaxing retirement.

B Boyd is a senior for the 2023-2024 school year. She has always had an interest in writing and the arts. She also loves cats.