A Summer Abroad: HHS Students Venture To Europe
Photography, Cameran Gwaltney, Jenna Sissom
During the summer of 2022, the French and Spanish travel clubs went on two separate trips to Europe. The French travel club went to Switzerland, Italy, Germany, and Austria while the Spanish travel club went to Spain, France, and London.
With both clubs going to different places, the cultural change was unique to each. For example, everything in Europe was cheaper than it is here in the United States. According to Jenna Sissom, a senior that went on the French trip, “Things that would usually be expensive here were a lot cheaper there, and even though it was cheap everything was super good quality.” She also stated that currency was unique by having two cent coins and twenty cent coins.
The cultural differences in these countries were unlike those in America. Not just because of the language barriers, the food and transportation as well. The locals were intimidating at first but overall friendly and helpful. Cameran Gwaltney and Alex Estes said that the people in Spain were very nice but not so much in France, they were disapproving and there were pickpocketers.
Food differences were much more unique in every country they went to. Some said that French food wasn’t as good as people make it out to be and Spain had the best food. Spain had bigger portions and better tastes while France was bland and had smaller portions. Mcdonald’s was very different in Europe as well. Xavier Ray said that the McDonald’s was “very bougie.”
Many different monuments were also visited. The Eiffel Tower in Paris, The Windsor Castle in England, and the Palace of Versailles in France. A favorite of Alex Estes’s, a junior, was the Windsor Castle because they got to see the changing of the guards.
Jenna Sissom said that she’d live in Switzerland out of everywhere they went. Her reasoning was the beauty, architecture, language, and food. Xavier Ray, a junior, said Salzburg, Austria. Cameran Gwaltney and Alex Estes agreed on London for cleanliness and safety.
Overall, all students who went on this trip had fun and are encouraging people to experience this opportunity if they ever get the chance.

Dani Patalano is a senior at Herrin High School, this is her third year as a Tiger Journalist. She joined journalism to learn more about photography and...