Senior Superlative: Most likely to be ID’d at 30
Macy Parks feels that this category was made for her mainly. Looking nowhere near her age, it was no surprise Macy received this superlative. Macy has many hobbies, and the one of the things that makes her the most happy is having fun with her friends. She feels most comfortable and true to herself when she’s with her friend, Ryleigh Thomas. Parks wants to be a RN and work in the medical field. Macy is a caring person and very thoughtful. She describes herself as a person with a “good heart” and is often told she is kind to everyone. Parks takes pride in her kind demeanor and plans to stay that way even when she’s 30.

Shaniah Maborn is a senior at Herrin High School. She loves to hangout with her adviser and journalism crew. Her favorite season is fall. She enjoys reading...