Club de Espanol Comienza!

Spanish Club Begins!


Article, Gina Wagley, PR Manager, Writer

Spanish Club is sponsored by Spanish teacher, Mrs. Estes. She says she has seen a major improvement regarding active club members. With just around thirty active members last year, the club has almost doubled in size. In addition, about half of all club members are in one of Mrs. Estes’ classes taught during school hours.

Senora Estes explained how in her classes she is required by law to follow a certain curriculum that starts out slow and then gradually picks up pace as the year goes on, but in her club, Hispanic culture is not only discussed but is also practiced and celebrated.

Since there are far more students participating in Mrs. Estes’ Spanish Club this year, she’s planning to have more fun as the year progresses. From painting pumpkins in October to throwing Christmas fiestas in December to watching the Flamenco ballets in April, the Spanish Club will not only be celebrating Hispanic culture, but they will also be having a blast.

As the holidays are approaching, Senora Estes is all about “diving into extension festivities” with her club. 

The Tattler will be sure to follow up on these as they happen.